Help and Improve Concept, Silhouette People Helping Other Hiker
Office Desk Table with Laptop

Hi, I'm Heather.

With over 10 years of experience, I am a marketing consultant who is deeply passionate about helping other businesses succeed. I have a proven track record of creating effective marketing strategies and helping businesses reach and exceed their goals.

Let's unlock your success together!

Circle  gold shape abstract frame border background element
Palm Leaves Shadow on White background


Decorative line

Drawing on my extensive expertise in both strategic and tactical marketing, I can tailor a marketing plan that specifically aligns with your business goals.

Vector Strategy Icon


My expertise in developing strategic marketing plans, executing impactful campaigns, and creating a strong brand identity can set your business on the path towards success.

Circle Shape Outline
online marketing


I will help you drive business growth by developing crucial marketing tactics needed for implementing your strategy and effectively reaching your target audience.

White Marble Background

Unique Skills

Acid Graphic Elements Meteor

Extreme Passion for marketing and helping others


Thoughtful Questioning to find the key areas of optimization

Monoline Question Icon

Intellectual Curiosity to learn and understand my clients current state of business

Strategy Icon

Creative in providing a strategy that will stand out against the competition

Compass Navigation Icon

Navigate complex details while focusing on the big picture

CONTACT US, Businesswoman using laptop with ( mail,phone,email ) icon. cutomer support concept.

Contact Us

Tel. (860) 449-3942


Heather Cipriani Marketing Consulting LLC

Fuel your brand with passion!